
Base64 Encoder Tool
Base64 Encoder

Base64 encoding is a binary to text encoding scheme which converts binary messages into ASCII text strings.

URL Encoder Tool
URL Encoder

URLs are defined with a limited set of allowed characters. In order to use characters that are not allowed in the URL we need to make them safe by encoding them.

What is Encoding?

Encoding is the process of converting data from one format into another format in order to transmit or store it more efficiently. It is often used to compress data or to convert data into a more human-readable format. Decoding is the opposite of encoding, it is the process of converting encoded data back into its original format.

There are several types of encodings that are used for different purposes. Some examples include:

  • Character Encoding: This type of encoding is used to convert characters from one character set to another, such as converting text from Unicode to ASCII. This is often used when working with text in different languages or with text that contains special characters.
  • Data Compression Encoding: This type of encoding is used to compress data in order to save space and reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted. One of the most common methods of data compression is to use a lossless algorithm, which allows the original data to be reconstructed exactly from the compressed data.
  • Binary Encoding: This type of encoding is used to convert binary data into a more human-readable format, such as Base64. This is often used when working with binary data that needs to be transmitted over a text-based network or stored in a text-based format.
  • Cryptographic Encoding: This type of encoding is used to convert data in such a way that it can only be read by someone who has the appropriate decryption key. This is often used to protect sensitive data and to ensure that it is only viewed by authorized parties.